You are currently viewing EHSAAS UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM


Ehsaas undergraduate program is basically the scholarship initiative that was made by the government of Pakistan. In the ehsaas program, the government of Pakistan made many initiatives to provide financial assistance and support the poor and needy families to meet their financial needs. Besides this government of Pakistan also introduced the Ehsaas Undergraduate Program.

Ehsaas Undergraduate Program

The basic purpose of this program is to provide better education to people who do not have an effective education and want to get an education. The government of Pakistan offers a certain number of scholarships for needy people to pursue their education.

If someone wants to get this scholarship then they need to understand the eligibility criteria and the details we discuss later in detail how someone can easily get these scholarships and benefits with this program.

In summary, if we want to tell you about this Ehsaas undergraduate program then it has some key features that are given as follows:

  • Objectives of the Ehsaas Scholarship program
  • Scholarship coverage
  • Eligibility criteria for Ehsaas undergraduate program
  • Application process
  • Selection process
  • Stipend and allowance
  • Monitoring and reporting

Objectives of the Ehsaas Scholarship program

The basic objective of this EHSAAS Undergraduate Program is that the students who completed their FA/FSC/ Intermediate and want to study in higher education like in universities aren’t financially stable enough to pursue their education. The government of Pakistan takes care of those students and provides them with the stipends per semester under the ehsaas program.

The stipend is from the government that covers the student tuition fee and also stipend throughout four to five years of the degree. In this case, there are some important steps to ensure affordable higher education like agriculture, arts and humanities, business education, engineering, medicine, physical sciences, and social sciences.

Scholarships in this program are allocated in percentage by the government of Pakistan. The basic purpose of this initiative is to provide education for women in 50% of seats and the scholarships are reserved for women already. Besides this 2 % of scholarships were reserved by the government for physically challenged students.

Hec Ehsaas Scholarship

HEC providing these scholarships for the previous 14 years. During these times, HEC provides about 30,000 undergraduate scholarships but currently, about 50,000 students get that scholarship. These scholarships are for those who have low income and belong to these provinces (AJK, GILGIT BALTISTAN, SINDH, PUNJAB). Students with low household incomes are eligible for this scholarship.

This scholarship will cover the student’s tuition fee and also give them a stipend per month. These scholarships are for about all public universities. If someone wants to get these scholarships then check the eligibility criteria and apply for this to get the benefits of that program.

Eligibility Criteria for Ehsaas Scholarship Program

The government of Pakistan allocated about 6 billion for the needy and poor people to give them scholarships program in the federal budget 2023-24. Ehsaas undergraduate program is also known as Benazir undergraduate program. This year this scholarship will continue as it is working before. Around 92,000 students get this scholarship this year.

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Eligible criteria for the Ehsaas undergraduate program are given as follows:

  • The person who is newly admitted in the session 2023-24 in a recognized public sector university is eligible for this Ehsaas undergraduate program.
  • All the requirement is based on admission in the public sector and when you do that just provides them, with the basic information that is required.
  • Also, select the program that is allowed by the government of Pakistan under this Ehsaas undergraduate program.
  • The age limit in this initiative was set by the institution where you are applying for admission.
  • If someone has already another scholarship under this program or any other program related to the government of Pakistan.
  • If you are applying for the private sector for study then the government of Pakistan has not issued you the scholarship.
  • Students in the 5th semester can also be eligible for this scholarship program if they meet the criteria of the Ehsaas program.
  • If someone who wants this scholarship then he also belongs to a poor and needy family and has less than 45,000 salaries can easily get into this scholarship program for further studies.
  • In this program only those students are eligible that applied in the public sector and get admission on a merit basis then he/she eligible for this scholarship program.
  • Students from VU and AIOU are not eligible to apply for this scholarship.

Ehsaas Scholarship Program Required Documents

If you want to apply to the Ehsaas undergraduate scholarship program then you need to understand which documents are required for this program and how you can apply to get these benefits. Here are the details that are required for this program.

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  • Copy of CNIC or B-form for the applicant
  • Copy of CNIC of the father, mother, or guardian
  • Required salary slip of the mother, father, brother, or guardian
  • If your father is working for the daily wages or labourer then you need to attach an undertaking of income certificate on the minimum amount of the stamp paper is RS. 50/-
  • Further you need to submit your utility bills which include your Gas Bill, Electricity Bill, Telephone Bill, or Water Bill)
  • If you are living in a rental house then you just need to provide the rental agreement.
  • Another thing that is required is to submit the last fee receipt of your siblings (if applicable)
  • Copies of the medical bill or the expenditure bill (if applicable)
  • One picture of the applicant in passport size
  • And 1 picture of their home from outside front.

This program is given to undergraduate students, graduate students, and also for the PhD students we can discuss these in detail.

Ehsaas Undergraduate Scholarship Program for students

For the Ehsaas undergraduate program in this initiative, the government of Pakistan allocated a student stipend of about 100,000 per year to every student who belongs to a poor family or needy family. In this initiative, the basic purpose is to provide better education for those people who cannot pay for their studies due to the financial crisis in this country.

For Graduate Students

The government of Pakistan under this initiative provides the students with about 120,000 to meet their financial expenses during study.

Ehsaas Scholarship for Masters

This program is for those who have graduated and want to continue studying in public universities for a master’s The government also allocated some funds for these students. These funds will be provided to the students per month or after 6 months. This total amount is not given to them at once.

For PhD Students

The scholarship amount for the PhD students in this program is about 200,000 per year. this is an important initiative that was made by the government of Pakistan. In this initiative, the students who want to continue their studies but do not have the most financial support in this program will fit them to meet their financial crisis.

Ehsaas Scholarship Online Apply

If you want to apply to the ehsaas undergraduate program there is a series of steps that you need to follow to apply.

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These series of steps are given to apply for the ehsaas scholarship:

  • First of all, you need to gather all the documents that are required for this Ehsaas undergraduate program. These required documents we already discussed above.
  • The Second step is to create an account online. ehsaas hec gov pk For account creation, you just go to the official website of the Ehsaas program and select the option where you want to apply. Which program do you want to apply like the undergraduate program, a post-graduate program, or a Ph.D. program?
  • The third step is to fill out the form provided on the portal. While adding information keep in mind that you are putting the right information in this form because based on those details you will able to get this scholarship.
  • Forth step is to upload the required documents. When you are uploading the documents, please take care that you are uploading the scanned documents. Documents you are uploading have a clear view after scanning.
  • The next step is to review all the information you uploaded in this form. When you complete the all required information in the form you just need to verify the details whether you put the exact information or not if you put information that does not match then you can edit those details. But when you submit the information, you cannot change the details or required documents that is why uploading these details clarifies your information.
  • After that when you successfully submit the application, you receive a notification by SMS or by email that you submitted your request successfully. Also, that message contains the number of scholarships and many details regarding this scholarship.
  • when you complete all those procedures you will receive a notification from the team that you are selected or not. If there is any issue without the application or they want from you some information them they will ask you on that disbursement message.


The EHSAAS Undergraduate Program stands as a ray of hope and opportunity. It provides countless opportunities for students to pursue their education. It is providing financial assistance to those in need, EHSAAS has not only broken down economic barriers. This initiative represents significant progress towards a more equitable society, where education will be given.

By investing in the education of the youth, the EHSAAS Undergraduate Program is sowing the seeds for a brighter future, empowering individuals to show their skills and talent. As the program continues to progress, it will improve the quality of life and economic condition of the nation. EHSAAS Undergraduate Program reminds us that every individual, regardless of their background, deserves a chance to thrive, learn, and contribute meaningfully to society.

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